
We’re into December. This is a shorter update than usual, simply because we just don’t have that much area to cover. First up…


Development targets

We’re aiming to wrap up production, and ideally, launch sometime within the next ten weeks. As before, this is a loose estimate based on current progress and team member availability, and until environment design is finished, it will remain difficult for us to commit to a fixed launch date. In other words, we won’t know when we will release until we’re nearly ready to do so. This is simply part of making a non-commercial project with a widely distributed team; as much as we would love to, we can’t guarantee a steady development pace.

This leads into the next bit…


What we have for you right now

Currently, the environment being redesigned is Area 51 Sector 2- the entrance area to the underground bunker that houses staff barracks and recreation. We’ve got a few screenshots of that to share:


We’ve also got another tune from the Revision soundtrack: Enemy Within Conversation.


A few general comments

We know that development on this project can be frustratingly slow at times, so thank you for bearing with us. We’re closer than ever to completing this project, and we always appreciate your support.


Stay tuned.

John French
John French
Music & Creative at Caustic Creative
John composed most of the Revision score, and contributed to a wide variety of design touches which shape the overall presentation and experience of the game.

He lives in the UK.