The patch is now live! The following issues are addressed in this update:

  • Added raw input to address mouse acceleration issues. This is still experimental, you must manually activate it by opening up Revision.ini found in the System folder (Browse Local Files), and then edit the ViewportManager line under [Engine.Engine] to read ViewportManager=WinDrvLite.WindowsClientLite.
    If you encounter new issues relating to input, hangs or crashes try switching back to the old ViewportManager and see if the issues go away (you can comment out lines with semicolon). If they are not present in the old ViewportManager make sure to let us know so we can try and locate the issue with the new one.
  • Fixed the Shifter/Biomod crash that happened after training.
  • Fixed the Shifter/Biomod crash when carrying containers (crates mostly) across maps sometimes.
  • Changed mouse sensitivity slider with range of 0.1-0.9 in increments of 0.1, might be useful for the new raw input.
  • Various localization fixes including fixing the incorrect text in Biomod that the previous patch introduced.
  • Fixed an issue where the laser dot would erroneously appear onscreen after applying a laser sight mod to a weapon that you did not have equipped.
  • Made it harder to get out of the playable area in later instances of Liberty Island, also fixed a small AI pathfinding issue in those levels.
  • Fixed being able to give orders to Miguel in the last instance of Liberty Island.
  • Pallet Jacks now show a selection box.
  • Fixed an issue where the crosshair settings box was 10px too large.

Please note:

As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content.

Björn Ehrby
Björn Ehrby
Producer at Caustic Creative
Björn joined the project in 2008, bringing everything and everyone together. Over the years, his contributions have ensured that our team has produced good work, and that our efforts have been bug-free as we can manage. He hails from Sweden.