Production Complete

We’ve finished primary production on Revision 1.0, and have now started our final pre-release playtest. We will be using feedback from this playtest to polish up the gameplay experience and catch any remaining technical issues.

December Update


We’re into December. This is a shorter update than usual, simply because we just don’t have that much area to cover. First up…


Development targets

We’re aiming to wrap up production, and ideally, launch sometime within the next ten weeks. As before, this is a loose estimate based on current progress and team member availability, and until environment design is finished, it will remain difficult for us to commit to a fixed launch date. In other words, we won’t know when we will release until we’re nearly ready to do so. This is simply part of making a non-commercial project with a widely distributed team; as much as we would love to, we can’t guarantee a steady development pace.

This leads into the next bit…


What we have for you right now

Currently, the environment being redesigned is Area 51 Sector 2- the entrance area to the underground bunker that houses staff barracks and recreation. We’ve got a few screenshots of that to share:


We’ve also got another tune from the Revision soundtrack: Enemy Within Conversation.


A few general comments

We know that development on this project can be frustratingly slow at times, so thank you for bearing with us. We’re closer than ever to completing this project, and we always appreciate your support.


Stay tuned.

July Update

Hello all!

Welcome to our July update.

Over the last two months, we’ve been steadily working away without too much to talk about. People have come and gone from vacations, and development continues. We’ve been getting a fair amount of feedback from our playtesters, and are working to solve the bugs and issues that they have reported. We’ve also been getting feedback on the soundtrack, and while the response has been broadly positive, there have been some valid concerns about a few specific tracks, and we have been addressing those as well.

For those of you who are interested, we’ve moved to an online bug-tracking service; if you’d like to take a look at the issues we’re working to solve and get a sense of what we’re doing behind the scenes, check it out here: It is updated regularly and shows the issues we are encountering and fixing, as we encounter and fix them.

In recent weeks we’ve also been running a pair of articles on the Eidos Montréal community blog. These two articles serve as a general introduction to Revision, and go into some depth on the process of creating the new soundtrack. We have a third article planned, so keep an eye out for it in the coming weeks. Our thanks go out to Sacha R. and John T. at Eidos Montréal for being kind enough to make this happen.

The Creation of Revision

The Music of Revision


We have a couple more things to share with you:

First, over in our gallery, we have a first look at our Area 51 overhaul, which (on the surface, at least) takes a few cues from Deus Ex: Human Revolution’s Panchea location.

Second, we have our Battery Park exploration music:

That about covers everything for the moment. Enjoy!

Playtest Beta 2

We’ve started the second playtesting period for the full version of Revision. Everyone on our closed beta mailing list should have received an email; please check your spam folder if nothing has appeared in your inbox.

New Partnerships

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Project HDTP and Chris Dohnal to distribute HDTP assets (high detail object and weapon models) and the Direct3D 9 Renderer for Deus Ex with Revision 1.0. Combined with New Vision assets, this will let us provide an easy and straightforward way for anybody coming from a clean Deus Ex installation to have the best experience with Revision.

March Update


Welcome to our March update.

As we begin the last part of primary development with Revision, we’re happy to announce that we’ve partnered with the New Vision team to distribute their high resolution texture assets with Revision 1.0. This will simplify the process of trying to get the two mods to play nicely together; instead of downloading separate packages and fussing with installation orders and .ini configuration files, it will be handled by our installer with a single download.

Those of you who have been following the Development Progress page will have noticed we’ve finished our overhauls of the early game environments. We will be reaching out to our playtesters this month to begin gathering external feedback on missions spanning Chapters 1 through 6.