Hotfix is live

We have released our hotfix update, with more achievements and minor fixes!


  • Fixed “Death From Above” achievement.
  • Fixed “Catch the Train” achievement.
  • Fixed “Always Something New” achievement.
  • Fixed “How Loyal is a Hungry Turret” being awarded on rat kills.
  • Fixed a logic error with “Regrettable Actions”.
  • Changed “Rules of Nature” to not be awarded from bots that were disabled via security consoles.
  • Added 26 achievements.


  • Fixed title music playing at the same time as the training music.

UNATCO HQ (First Visit):

  • Fixed a goal stating that the break room is on level 2 instead of 1.

Battery Park (First Visit):

  • Fixed a broom’s collision sticking out of a wall.

Underworld Tavern (First Visit):

  • Beer stolen from the freezer can now be given to Jock.

‘Ton Hotel (First Visit):

  • Changed the lights in the elevator shaft to be disabled if the laser power is turned off.
  • Removed sounds at a door.
  • Made the downstairs terrorist hostile if someone leaves the room.

Smuggler’s Hideout (First Visit):

  • Fixed the description of the nanokey given by Smuggler having a typo.

Hell’s Kitchen Sewers (First Visit):

  • Fixed being able to walk through a laser.

Hell’s Kitchen (NSF HQ):

  • Fixed the STOP signs having misaligned textures.
  • Fixed an unsolid awning.

Hong Kong Majestic 12 Helibase:

  • Fixed a geometry error.


  • If playing on “Normal” mode on realistic, enemies that die while holding grenades will now have their grenades drop and detonate.
  • Bosses now attack if attacked first.


  • Fixed email typos.
  • Changed it so Paul doesn’t have his shield augmentation in chapter 4.
  • Optimized some textures to use more colors and take less space.

1.1 – TEMPORA Patch is Live

We’re excited to announce the release of Deus Ex: Revision version 1.1 – Tempora!

In this update, we are introducing Steam achievements! 108 of these achievements are publicly listed; dozens more are secret.

In addition to achievements, v1.1 also brings a colossal number of changes and tweaks, with three additions leading the way: a new expansion to UNATCO HQ, new footstep sounds, and Trenchcoat mode, a small new twist on DX gameplay. Trenchcoat dramatically cuts available inventory space, encouraging players to make harder and more impactful decisions about the equipment they want to bring through the story and make their own. It can only be turned on when starting a new game, and cannot be disabled once a new game is started.

Since launching last October, we have tallied over 127,000 players for DX: Revision. We’re humbled and incredibly thankful that so many people have discovered and enjoyed our work.

Without further ado, the complete changelog for v1.1:

Liberty Island (All Versions):

  • Fixed two backwards textures.

Liberty Island (First Visit):

  • Fixed a hole in a wall.
  • Fixed being able to see through a wall from a certain angle.
  • Fixed a wall not having a texture.
  • Fixed invisible solid collision at the starting dock and a bench next to it.
  • Fixed Kaplan giving all of his pistol ammo when you buy it.
  • Fixed a container using wooden fragments instead of metal ones.
  • Fixed the glass windows at the starting shack making incorrect sounds when destroyed.
  • Fixed rain not being visible from inside the statue.
  • Increased the size of the skill-point bonus for entering the COMVAN.
  • Changed Kaplan to give 12 bullets instead of 24 when buying 10mm ammo from him.
  • Changed Kaplan to use an assault rifle instead of a pistol to fix the above.
  • Changed the stairs so they connect with the walls.
  • Added a biocell.
  • Added a reload mod.
  • Added 10mm ammo.
  • Added handling if the player doesn’t have room to obtain a weapon from Paul at the start.
  • Many, many texture fixes.

UNATCO HQ (All Versions):

  • Expanded map.

Battery Park (First Visit):

  • Fixed some textures in the subway.
  • Fixed the level not using its own vanilla music.
  • Moved a skillpoint trigger from the centre of the subway to the doors.
  • Changed Alex’s subway warning infolink to not play if you clear the subway before it plays.

Hell’s Kitchen (All Versions):

  • Fixed Smuggler’s intercom being spelt “Intercomm”.
  • Fixed positioning on Smuggler’s intercom.
  • Extended and moved ladder to Smuggler’s front entrance so you can reach it if your legs are gone.

Hell’s Kitchen (First Visit):

  • Added carcass.
  • Added zyme.
  • Added a key to the NYC sewers.
  • Added flares.
  • Added soyfood.
  • Fixed crate textures.
  • Fixed glitchy phone textures.
  • Fixed pipes that were off by a few units.
  • Put the augmentation upgrade canister in a crate.
  • Unlocked an empty table drawer.
  • Lowered the minimum damage for some wood planks and windows from 5 to 3.
  • Lowered the hack strength of the keypad to the safe from 50% to 15%.
  • Increased the amount of money in the safe from 200 to 400.
  • Changed the safe to be pickable.
  • Changed the NSF thugs in the basketball court to not cause players to lose skillpoints in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Made the shop windows activate the alarm if destroyed.

‘Ton Hotel (All Versions):

  • Fixed a floating control panel.

‘Ton Hotel (First Visit):

  • Fixed a bad pivot point on Paul’s left bookshelf.

Smuggler’s Hideout (All Versions):

  • Changed the French email to use the version from the French patch.

Smuggler’s Hideout (First Visit):

  • Improved pathing.

Hell’s Kitchen Sewers (First Visit):

  • Added a new infolink for if you try to rescue Ford without going to Smuggler.
  • Removed the trooper hidden in the hallway.
  • Fixed many floating objects.
  • Fixed crate contents spawning in the wall.
  • Improved the pathing.
  • Made table in guards room larger so the computer doesn’t overhang.
  • Moved a control panel.
  • Lowered the control panel’s strength from 25% to 15%.
  • Lowered a laser emitter so you can’t crouch under it.

Hell’s Kitchen (NSF Warehouse):

  • Changed Alex’s infolinks to not play after the generator is destroyed.
  • Added sinks.

UNATCO HQ (Second Visit):

  • Fixed a logic error with Shannon.
  • Fixed Carter giving 12 clips of 7.62mm ammo, changed him to give 3 clips.
  • Increased Carter’s move speed by 50%.

LaGuardia Airfield (Helibase):

  • Added a backup nanokey for the sewer door.
  • Changed the water to not hurt.

LaGuardia Airfield (747):

  • Fixed some ugly geometry.
  • Fixed some textures.
  • Made the dual breakroom doors both open when used instead of one at a time.
  • Added a flag.

Hell’s Kitchen (Second Visit):

  • Fixed Jock teleporting back and flying again if walking between two locations.
  • Fixed a soldier spawning in the ground.
  • Fixed AI being unable to open Ton hotel doors.
  • Fixed the sewer manholes being slightly off where they were supposed to be.
  • Changed the indestructible wooden planks blocking Osgood and Son’s to be metal.
  • Added more triggers to the top of the Ton hotel.
  • Texture changes.
  • Improved pathing.
  • Set shop safe and keypad to 30% strength, replacing the forty with reload mod and on easy 20mm also.

Smuggler’s Hideout (Second Visit):

  • Changed the lighting of the red cupboard to be consistent with chapter 2’s.

‘Ton Hotel (Second Visit):

  • Changed the cleaner bot to always be allied to the player to prevent Biomod/Shifter players getting easy skillpoints.
  • Changed Paul to always be friendly to the player.
  • Changed Paul to use his sword in normal combat.
  • Changed Paul to die if the player dies in the hotel while there are more than two troopers that are able to fight or one MiB still alive.
  • Changed Paul to not disappear when he reaches the bottom of the stairs and to only disappear when he reaches the front doors of the Ton.
  • Changed a skillpoint trigger that seemed to only trigger in random conditions to trigger when Paul reaches the front doors of the Ton.
  • Changed Sandra and JoJo to not activate the alarm to fix conversations.
  • Expanded Paul’s inventory.
  • Fixed a floating pillow.
  • Improved pathing greatly.
  • Made Paul’s chair invincible.
  • Added flowers.
  • Added flamethrower on realistic.

Hell’s Kitchen (NSF HQ):

  • Replaced some of the blue lasers in the sewers with red ones.
  • Added another turret in the sewer.
  • Moved a crate.
  • Changed a door’s lock strength from 70% to 15% and min damage from 75 to 12.
  • Fixed and improved pathing.
  • Fixed a mistake in a datacube.
  • Fixed floating crates.
  • Fixed a door with a bad pivot point.
  • Expanded map.

New York Majestic 12 Facility:

  • Fixed a floating datacube.
  • Fixed the possibility of the player being drunk or drugged when they wake up.
  • Many texture fixes.
  • Changed the disabled bots to be neutral to prevent Biomod/Shifter players from getting 300 free skillpoints.
  • Changed the WiB’s name from “WIB” to “Woman in Black”.
  • Changed Miguel to not attack the player.

UNATCO HQ (Last Visit):

  • Gave Manderley a key to his cabinet.
  • Put items in the cabinet.
  • Made the cabinet pickable.
  • Added another fire extinguisher on realistic.
  • Added a key to Anna’s office for Ultimate Run players.
  • Moved the augmentation upgrade canister into a crate.
  • Fixed “personnel” being spelt “personell”.
  • Changed Miguel to not attack the player.

Liberty Island (Last Visit):

  • Rearranged the crates.
  • Slightly changed the name of one soldier.
  • Fixed two backwards textures.
  • Changed Miguel to not attack the player.

Canals near Wan Chai Market:

  • Added LAM.
  • Added assault rifle.
  • Added 20mm HE ammo.
  • Fixed textures on top of rooves to use the right texture and scaling.
  • Fixed incorrect pivot point on a hatch in the freezer.
  • Fixed a vent being too low, causing the PCs head to clip when bobbing.
  • Fixed some floating brushes.
  • Fixed a trashbag clipping inside a trashcan.
  • Adjusted the zoning around the freezer to have better friction and to mitigate the issue with different zone lighting.
  • Cleaned up/removed some out of view brushes.
  • Made other small brush adjustments to make the map more stable.
  • Improved pathing.

Tonnochi Road:

  • Fixed two lines using stereo sound instead of mono and sometimes glitching the audio system.
  • Fixed a man having his familiar and unfamiliar names the wrong way around.
  • Fixed two books being inside a table.

Wan Chai Market (Compound area):

  • Fixed a line using stereo sound instead of mono and sometimes glitching the audio system.
  • Fixed three officers having the same name.

Wan Chai Underground Mall & Lucky Money:

  • Fixed a soldier having a glitchy name.
  • Fixed Max Chen’s cabinet using wooden fragments when destroyed instead of glass.
  • Changed the scale of a space texture to be more realistic.
  • Changed the decorative keypad to be unusable.
  • Changed view of canal to match actual canal rather than beta.
  • Made two doors destructible.
  • Added Luminous Path members.
  • Gave Max Chen’s guards more ammo.

Tracer Tong’s Lab:

  • Fixed some textures.


  • Expanded map.
  • Fixed textures.

Versalife Advanced R&D (Level 1):

  • Fixed the new commando lines having an error, making the commandos animate longer than the length of their lines.
  • Fixed four lockers using wooden debris instead of metal.
  • Changed the troopers in the barracks to not be so lenient about knocking out their allies or hitting them.
  • Added reverb in the vents.
  • Moved a MiB away from a vent to prevent his collision getting glitched.

Versalife Advanced R&D (Level 2):

  • Changed a control panel’s strength from 120% to 60%.
  • Fixed a crash related to a commando having a space in his name.
  • Made both of the commandos talk.

Free Clinic (Last Visit):

  • Gave Greene a pepper gun and baton.

Hell’s Kitchen (Last Visit):

  • Changed the riot cops and bots to shoot the civilians.
  • Changed the indestructible wooden planks blocking Osgood and Son’s to be metal.
  • Moved one of the civilians to be hidden from the bot.
  • Improved pathing.
  • Fixed two Riot Cops being called “Cop” instead of “Riot Cop”.

Smuggler’s Hideout (Last Visit):

  • Changed the lighting of the red cupboard to be consistent with chapter 2’s.

‘Ton Hotel (Last Visit):

  • Expanded map.
  • Improved pathing.
  • Fixed AI not being able to open doors and closets.
  • Fixed the riot cops being mute.

Underworld Tavern (Last Visit):

  • Improved pathing.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Exterior):

  • Reduced the mindamage of a grate from 100 to 10.
  • Reduced the mindamage of the roof grate from 10 to 4.
  • Added infolink triggers for Tong if exiting the ship via the front door or sewer.
  • Increased the collision size of the final skillpoint bonus in the sewer.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Ventilation):

  • Fixed the grate having a bad pivot point.
  • Changed lightbulbs to be indestructible.
  • Expanded map.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Interior):

  • Texture fix.
  • Improved pathing even more.
  • Added a button in the storage room to allow players out if they close the door on themselves.
  • Added more infolink locations.
  • Added a new security console for two cameras.
  • Fixed the AI being stuck in a room.
  • Fixed the klaxon sound restarting when moving between areas or going in and out of water.
  • Fixed an infolink.
  • Fixed datacube typo, “Keend” > “Keene”.
  • Made it so windows around the player break when the ship is destroyed.
  • Increased the height of the shower heads to be more realistic.
  • Changed the two soldiers to not be hostile if you talked to Vinny, but came from an alternate route.

PRCS Wall Cloud:

  • Fixed the floodlight brushes in the Hangar bay to have their stand connected to them.
  • Fixed a railing in the giant fan hovering.
  • Fixed some keyboards having misaligned textures.
  • Fixed a wire mesh not being solid.
  • Fixed a wall not being solid.
  • Fixed the klaxon sound restarting when moving between certain areas.
  • Fixed a remote TNT crate exploding when shooting a weld point.
  • Moved the skillpoint bonus at the helipad to the vent.
  • Moved a light near the electrician.
  • Added more triggers to make the mechanic run when the ship is destroyed.
  • Removed a light in the bilge valve room.
  • Removed the possibility of a flare dropping from a crate instead of a biocell.
  • Made it so windows around the player break when the ship is destroyed.
  • Increased the size of the goal completion trigger for entering the lower decks.

NYC Cemetery:

  • Changed pathing slightly.
  • Changed AI to react to carcasses.
  • Changed AI to move to a fixed position instead of wander.
  • Changed the player to be invincible after talking to Jock.
  • Moved AI so that they all move into the graveyard instead of suddenly spawning in front of the player.
  • Increased the height of the triggers in the room with the upgrade canisters.

Paris High-Rise near Denfert-Rochereau:

  • Fixed another “Restriced Area” texture.
  • Reduced the size of the elevator keypad to fit.
  • Added a fire barrel near the elevator.

Paris Streets (Near Denfert-Rochereau):

  • Fixed lots of broken geometry.
  • Fixed three bad textures.
  • Fixed floating cameras.
  • Added money in the ATMs.

Denfert-Rochereau Metro Station:

  • Changed the military bot to not appear if destroyed in the previous map.
  • Moved the money in these ATMs to the ones in the previous map, added new money to the ones here.

Paris Catacombs:

  • Changed “harpie” dialogue to “harpy”.
  • Changed texture on the wall with the cagelight next to the sewer exit door.
  • Changed the sound some vents make when destroyed.
  • Added a block to prevent players getting stuck in a certain place.
  • Added two more infolinks.
  • Improved pathing.
  • Improved some vents to not abruptly end.
  • Named two soldiers.
  • Set some doors to be usable by the AI.
  • Lowered the minimum damage requirements for some destructibles.
  • Lowered the amount of debris the wood makes when destroyed.
  • Lowered ledge to ladder near Hela so it’s easier to get out of the water.
  • Increased the height on some walls so they go up to the ceiling.
  • Removed unneeded gaps in some walls.
  • Moved a skull so it’s not clipping into a crate.
  • Added a block so the player can’t get stuck in a damaged piece of wall near the water area close to the start.
  • Minor geometry improvements.
  • Capitalized the naming on Silhouette members.

Paris Streets (Near Champs-Elysees):

  • Changed the strength of a door from 75 to 15.
  • Changed “Rene” to “René”.
  • Gave the maid and receptionist of the hostel a key to the doors.
  • Prevented the player from being able to get out of the map in various locations.

La Porte de l’Enfer:

  • Changed Kara’s unfamiliar name from “woman” to “Woman”.
  • Added money to the ATMs.
  • Made sure the code you get from Cassandra is added to your notes.

DuClare Chateau:

  • Added another datalink trigger.
  • Added another commando on realistic.

Cathedral du Paynes:

  • Greatly improved the pathing.
  • Fixed a bed texture.
  • Fixed a bus stop light texture being misaligned.
  • Fixed the player being able to jump out of the map.
  • Added a biocell.
  • Added cameras to the security console to show the turrets.

Morgan Everett’s Home:

  • Fixed a missing texture.
  • Fixed a possible softlock by hurting Everett while in the first conversation with him.

Vandenberg Air Force Base:

  • Changed Tony Mares to be invincible.
  • Fixed a trigger relating to the conversation between an MJ12 trooper an Stephanie Maxwell.

Tunnels under Vandenberg Air Force Base:

  • Fixed a gap in the container where the robots are raised up.

California Gas Station:

  • Changed the amount of fragments wood makes on this map to be more realistic.
  • Changed a gate’s mindamage from 25 to 10.
  • Changed the MiB to play an unused conversation on realistic.
  • Gave the soldier near Tiffany a mini-crossbow on realistic.
  • Gave the MiB a melee weapon.
  • Made all of the enemies react to carcasses.
  • Prevented Tiffany from dying while flying off.

Submarine Base near Pasadena:

  • Changed the note you get from Pinkerton to be more clear in regards to his username and password.
  • Changed button reset texture to “GATE SWITCH”.
  • Fixed a line not working due to a typo.
  • Reduced file size from 43MiB to 20MiB.

Pasadena Ocean Lab:

  • Fixed a typo in a vanilla datacube. “evironment” > “environment”.
  • Added a datacube to allow progress without computer skill.

Missile Silo near Pasadena:

  • Fixed the missile hatch being invisible from below.
  • Fixed the blue lasers not hurting the player and destroying the door, to hurting the player and not destroying the door.
  • Moved an MiB so he can’t be killed prematurely.
  • Changed the elevator buttons to be more logical.

Chapter 15:

  • Changed the holograms to not be afraid and run away.

Area 51 (Surface):

  • Changed a commando to not appear on easy.
  • Changed the MIB to use a shotgun instead of assault rifle.
  • Added a soldier to the hangar.
  • Added an unused conversation.

Area 51 (Sector 2):

  • Changed Simons to not be so forgiving and to attack immediately if attacked first.
  • Increased the size of a skillpoint trigger.
  • Increased the size of a datalink trigger.
  • Added a shorter infolink for when calling up the elevator if Simons is already dead.
  • Added the last chapter of “The Man Who was Thursday”.
  • Added new combat music if fighting Simons here.
  • Fixed Page’s infolink mocking the player in the elevator, changed it to check the player’s health instead of credits.
  • Fixed “personnel” being spelt “personell” in an email.
  • Moved the LAW.
  • Made the easter egg give skillpoints.

Area 51 (Sector 3):

  • Added new enemies if you try to do the Helios route.
  • Lowered the delay before the commandos attack from 2.5 to 1 second to prevent the player seeing them spawn.
  • Changed the troopers on the tram to elite ones on realistic.
  • Fixed a texture.
  • Stopped the player from walking in some walls.

Area 51 (Sector 4):

  • Added soldiers to the Aquinas router.
  • Added TNT in the Aquinas router.
  • Added a gray carcass.
  • Fixed a security console having its login and password accidentally reversed.
  • Increased the size of the first infolink trigger.
  • Removed collision from some triggers.
  • Texture fixes.
  • Changed the UC lockdown doors to kill anything that blocks them.
  • Changed the medical bot to stand still.
  • Changed security bots to react to more.
  • Moved an ugly alarm panel.
  • Prevented the cleaner bot from being able to activate the turret.
  • Slightly improved pathing.

(Ending) A New Dark Age:

  • Fixed an electricity emitter being stuck inside one of the reactors.


  • Blue lasers are now disabled for longer if you level up the demolitions skill.
  • Bosses no longer flee.
  • Reduced the amount of damage greasels take from their poison.
  • In “Normal” mode, grenades are able to be thrown through windows and weak doors/planks.
  • Changed the Magnum to be as loud as a sniper rifle.
  • Slightly increased the speed of the elite troops.
  • Added “Trenchcoat” gamemode, offering the challenge of a reduced inventory when enabled.


  • Added more objects to the files for localisation.
  • Added unique graphics for the Biomod/Shifter nanovirus vial.
  • Added an “AllItems” cheat to complement the “AllWeapons” cheat.
  • AI can no longer see through black vans.
  • AI can no longer see through vending machines.
  • AI can no longer see through trash cans.
  • Capped the effect channels from 32 to 28 to prevent audio issues regarding voiced lines not playing.
  • Changed the hand-dryer’s name from “HandDry” to “Hand Dryer”.
  • Changed the empty jar’s name from “EmptyJar” to “Empty Jar”.
  • Changed air bubbles and smoke trails to be unlit.
  • Changed karkian carcasses to not be buoyant.
  • Changed MJ12 commando carcasses to not be buoyant.
  • Changed Jock’s helicopter to have more consistent naming.
  • Changed the names of UNATCO and MJ12 from “Troop” to “Trooper”.
  • Changed Manderley to always be known as Manderley.
  • Changed the notification for when starting training to allow the player to cancel for if they misclick.
  • Changed the Revision skillpoint bonus triggers to use the same message standard as vanilla’s.
  • Dead cats and dogs are indifferent to water.
  • Fixed a crash in Biomod related to the electrostatic discharge aug.
  • Fixed gaps when looking through scopes or binoculars.
  • Fixed the black of the binoculars being translucent.
  • Fixed typos in the ‘Human Eye Augmentation’ chart texture. “Ehnancement” > “Enhancement”. “mulitplexing” > “multiplexing”.
  • Fixed typos in the assault rifle diagram texture. “it’s” > “its”. “adapatability” > “adaptability”. “intergrated” > “integrated”.
  • Fixed pre-placed animal carcasses taking more hits than usual to destroy.
  • Fixed pre-placed carcasses not showing their names.
  • Fixed rat carcasses to use all six variations.
  • Fixed the grays to use both of their carcasses.
  • Fixed ToggleCrouch not sticking when loading a saved game that was crouched.
  • Fixed the game lagging if starting a conversation while holding nothing.
  • Fixed being able to use a weapon’s scope while putting it away and having the scope overlay stay on screen, on “normal” mode.
  • Fixed being able to turn on augmentations while dead in “Normal” mode.
  • Fixed music not changing when changing from vanilla music back to Revision.
  • Fixed overlapping hotkeys in the menus.
  • Greasels now hate cats.
  • Increased the collision sizes of the red and green plastic boxes from 20 to 29 to prevent them clipping in each other.
  • Set the new footstep sounds to be enabled. To disable use the command “Set Human bUseRevisionFootsteps false”.
  • Slightly decreased the size of the map files overall.
  • Switched textures from 8-bit to 24-bit for higher quality and greatly reduced file size.
  • The player’s real name is now set to the player’s Steam name by default if one can be found.
  • Updated credits.
  • Many more things I ultimately forgot while in the moment.

Please note:

As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content. Got a bug you want fixed? Suggestion you want implemented? Post it here: http://bugs.dx-revision.com

1.0.4 Patch is live

We have released update 1.0.4! The following issues and changes are addressed in this update:

Liberty Island (First Visit):

  • Increased the size of the skillpoint trigger when entering UNATCO.

UNATCO HQ (All Versions):

  • Fixed an odd desk texture.
  • Fixed overhang on Jaime’s computer.
  • Fixed some textures in Alex’s room being unlit.
  • Fixed the lower lobby’s TV mount being buggy.
  • Fixed a keyboard texture that was a bit to small and began repeating.
  • Fixed the diagram in the armoury being cut off.
  • Fixed the door to Alex’s server room using the old “Restriced Area” texture.
  • Fixed another ‘Restriced Area’ texture.
  • Flipped some textures in Alex’s room.
  • Made some large houseplants heavier.
  • Swapped out a painting for another one so there aren’t two identical ones next to each other.
  • Prevented rats from spawning from trash.

UNATCO HQ (First Visit):

  • Fixed the LAMs in Gunther’s safe (inaccessible still) being in the ground.
  • Fixed a nanokey under Alex’s floor floating.
  • Fixed a floating flag pole.
  • Fixed a skillpoint trigger being too small.
  • Fixed getting 60 throwing knives from the dummy in Anna’s room.

Battery Park (First Visit):

  • Set the subway UNATCO troops to wander after the terrorists are defeated.

Underworld Tavern (All Versions):

  • Added sinks to the bathroom.
  • Changed the Underworld Tavern to be more geographically correct.

Underworld Tavern (First Visit):

  • Readded a missing pinball machine.

Hell’s Kitchen (All Versions):

  • Fixed some floating cardboard boxes and trash outside the Ton.
  • Fixed slightly floating Hotel neon sign.
  • Fixed texture alignment on the Ton.
  • Fixed incorrect texturing on street light brushes.
  • Fixed texture scaling on the mattress in the Basketball building.
  • Fixed texture alignment on shower drain in Basketball building.
  • Fixed a few texture scaling issues.
  • Fixed erroneous texture under a phone.
  • Fixed texture scaling on the “No dogs allowed” signs in Tenderloin park.
  • Added a block between a street lamp and the wall to prevent players from getting stuck.
  • Swapped misspelled “Restricted area” texture outside the subway to corrected texture.
  • Made easter egg invincible.
  • Changed the Underworld Tavern to be more geographically correct.

Hell’s Kitchen (First Visit):

  • Added back window to the new apartment that was missing for some reason.
  • Added missing answering machine for Paul’s room.
  • Added pathing and made sure Paul would get into the train.
  • Added triggers to Smuggler’s back entrance.
  • Added NSF/Unatco triggers to the side entrances of Osgood’s.
  • Changed AI on RiotCop near smuggler’s back entrance to hate NSF and the Hijackers.
  • Made fence near subway climbable to prevent players from getting stuck.
  • Made the gates to Smuggler’s back entrance area breakable.
  • Made the planks to the side entrance of Osgood’s require less damage to break.
  • Fixed a soda can clipping a computer.
  • Fixed floating items in Osgood’s shelf.
  • Fixed the player being able to crawl through the Subway train windows.
  • Fixed a LAM being stuck in the ground.
  • Fixed Sandra not moving into the tavern properly.
  • Fixed door to Osgood’s side entrance having a backwards texture.
  • Fixed incorrect pivot point on a wardrobe door in the Basketball building.
  • Moved a skillpoint trigger for the new skyscraper apartment.
  • Moved a terrorist.
  • Removed some vanilla triggers that were unused.
  • Did some texture scale/alignments/fixes.
  • Adjusted scale on plane fragments.

Hell’s Kitchen Sewers:

  • Changed the names of the MJ12 Troops to “Paramilitary Trooper”.

Hell’s Kitchen (NSF Warehouse):

  • Added more logins for the computers.
  • Allowed the computer to open the safe in the basement.

Battery Park (Second Visit):

  • Readded the book containing the password to the phonebooth.
  • Readded the buzz sound if you try to use the train panels.
  • Added a button under the phone booth to recall it.

LaGuardia Airfield (747):

  • Even more texture fixes.
  • Moved a multitool slightly.
  • Removed an unused trigger.

UNATCO HQ (Third Visit):

  • Moved a computer back so it wasn’t hanging out in the air off a table.
  • Added Multitool in vent across the conference room on Level 2.

Hell’s Kitchen (Second Visit):

  • Fixed pathing.
  • Fixed buttons on elevators being inside the wall.
  • Fixed fire escape on the “Hotel” building changing between chapters.
  • Fixed floating items in Osgood’s shelf.
  • Fixed the player being able to crawl through the Subway train windows.
  • Added 10mm ammo.
  • Added more snipers on realistic.
  • Added missing answering machine for Paul’s room.
  • Made robots react to more things.
  • Made the gates to Smuggler’s back entrance area breakable.
  • Made the door and windows to the emptied shop near the tavern breakable.

Smuggler’s Lair (Second Visit):

  • Added pepper cartridge crate.

Hell’s Kitchen Sewers (Second Visit):

  • Increased the size of the centre skillpoint trigger.

Battery Park (Third Visit):

  • Increased the skillpoint bonus for getting past Anna from 50 to 250.

Hell’s Kitchen (NSF HQ):

  • Fixed the player being able to jump out of the map in a certain place.
  • Fixed the player softlocking (sorta) if sending the signal without aligning the dishes.
  • Fixed being able to send the NSF signal without aligning the dishes.
  • Flipped a texture.

New York Majestic 12 Facility:

  • Removed an erroneous InfoLink trigger left over by Ion Storm.
  • Fixed the robot in the maintenance area not becoming hostile when the glass was destroyed.

UNATCO HQ (Final Visit):

  • Fixed the AI being able to see through the reflective window at the start.
  • Fixed a floating flag pole.
  • Updated the pathing.
  • Made Anna’s locker pickable.
  • Made Anna’s locker open both doors when picked or key used.
  • Added a biocell.
  • Added pepper cartridge and flare darts to Alex’s closet.
  • Moved a computer back so it wasn’t hanging out in the air off a table.

Hong Kong Majestic 12 Helibase:

  • Removed some unused triggers.
  • Fixed some triggers being able to be activated prematurely.
  • Added more locations for Jock to fire his missiles, so you can use the vents to exit too.

Canals near Wan Chai Market:

  • Increased the size of some skillpoint triggers.


  • Many texture fixes, alignments, scales, changes, etc.
  • Gave a commando a biocell.
  • Gave a commando a medkit.
  • Added a satellite dish to the skybox.
  • Increased the storage button’s drawscale to 1.5.

Wan Chai Underground Mall & Lucky Money:

  • Hopefully neatened the map without breaking anything.
  • Removed some alliance triggers that made the police friendly.
  • Set a skillpoint trigger to have no collision.

Canal Road Tunnel near Wan Chai Market:

  • Increased the size of the skillpoint trigger.
  • Fixed the cops not being hostile when jumping over the barricade.
  • Gave two of the cops shotguns.

Hell’s Kitchen (Final Visit):

  • Added an exit cutscene.
  • Added sniper.
  • Added chair.
  • Added credits.
  • Added soda.
  • Added soy food.
  • Added recoil mod.
  • Added more locations for the infolinks to play.
  • Added pigeons.
  • Added 10mm ammo crate.
  • Fixed fire escape on the “Hotel” building changing between chapters.
  • Fixed pathing.
  • Changed the backdoor of the tavern so the AI can open it.
  • Changed a phone texture.
  • Made the bots react to carcasses.

Smuggler’s Lair (Final Visit):

  • Added prod charger crate.

Free Clinic (Final Visit):

  • Fixed a fire extinguisher falling to the ground instead of being mounted.

Hell’s Kitchen Sewers (Final Visit):

  • Increased the size of the centre skillpoint trigger.

‘Ton Hotel (Final Visit):

  • Removed Paul’s answering machine.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Ventilation):

  • Increased the trigger sizes of both skillpoint bonuses.

PRCS Wall Cloud:

  • Fixed some glitchy doors.
  • Fixed floating turrets.
  • Fixed being able to disable the electric sound of the damaged generators by jumping on a beam.

NYC Cemetery:

  • Made the AI shoot at Jock as he leaves.
  • Made some texture alignments.
  • Made the underground water move slightly.
  • Made the troopers set up an ambush outside the crypt.
  • Removed a torch from the underground area so it’s easier to escape.
  • Fixed a glitchy hole in the wall.
  • Fixed some 20mm HE ammo being stuck in the ground.
  • Fixed a floating nanokey.
  • Fixed a barrel not exploding when the EMP device is destroyed.
  • Moved same barrel so it cannot be jumped on to be destroyed.
  • Added three medkits.
  • Added a biocell.
  • Added even more flares.
  • Added commandos if you tell Greene about Dowd.
  • Added sniper on realistic.
  • Added GEP gunner on realistic.
  • Gave an enemy a pistol instead.
  • Gave two troopers shotguns.
  • Set all the troopers to have weapons drawn instead of being relaxed.
  • Changed the voice of two soldiers to use variation B.
  • Changed a door to not stop opening if you block it.
  • Changed the pathing so the AI can go to where Dowd is and also not bury themselves alive.
  • Changed the crypt door to be destructible.
  • Changed the secret door under the stairs to be openable by the AI too.
  • Changed Jock to ask if the player is ready, if the player asks him to wait and then retalks to him, rather than repeating the conversation over.

Paris Streets (Near Denfert-Rochereau):

  • Fixed a TV having a missing texture.

Paris Streets (Near Champs-Elysees):

  • More texture fixes.

Metro Station near Cathedral du Paynes:

  • Fixed the player being able to jump over the trains in a certain spot.

La Porte de l’Enfer:

  • Gave the female bartender a weapon.
  • Gave Cassandra a multitool.
  • Gave the club owner a key to the doors.
  • Increased the size of the skillpoint trigger in the storage room.
  • Fixed a nanokey being in the ground.
  • Fixed credits being in the ground.
  • Fixed the game sometimes thinking you broke into the club if you jump too close to the doorman before you talk to him.
  • Fixed barman constantly walking into bar.
  • Fixed some liquor bottles clipping due to their HDTP models.
  • Changed Cassandra’s conversation, mainly for if you’re broke to avoid repetition.
  • Changed the bar owner, accountant and bartenders to be fearless and hate weapons.
  • Changed the doorman to be fearless and hate more.
  • Changed a fireplace grill to be destructible.

Vandenberg Air Force Base:

  • Fixed a damage node in the water not being disabled when you disable the damaged control panel.

Tunnels under Vandenberg Air Force Base:

  • Many, many texture fixes.
  • Increased the size of the final skillpoint bonus.

Vandenberg Air Force Base (Control Room):

  • Fixed some glitchy solid collision.
  • Fixed the entry blast doors being bugged, highlightable and frobbable.
  • Some minor texture changes.
  • Made the consoles in the room next to the room with electricity be flat.
  • Added blocks under a pipe in the Savage room to prevent players from clipping the pipe.

California Gas Station:

  • Increased Tiffany’s speed by 66.6%.

Pasadena Ocean Lab:

  • Prevented a skillpoint trigger from being unintentionally avoided.
  • Fixed the same skillpoint trigger from clipping through a wall.

Pasadena Ocean Lab (UC Module):

  • Fixed a backwards microwave.
  • Fixed a soda can being in a keyboard.
  • Fixed the electricity emitters being backwards or stuck inside walls.

Missile Silo near Pasadena:

  • Changed a soldier’s voice to use variant B to match his conversation.
  • Changed the names of all the soldiers from “Troop” to “Trooper”.

Area 51 (Surface):

  • Updated pathing.
  • Fixed the AI being unable to leave the hangar.

Area 51 (Sector 2):

  • Changed the main elevator to be lightable.
  • Added more lights in the elevator shaft.
  • Gave the smaller elevator sounds.
  • Fixed a hatch having a bad pivot point.

Area 51 (Sector 3):

  • Fixed the grays not going up the stairs of the reactor room, again.
  • Fixed being able to jump into some vents and get stuck.
  • Moved some of the skillpoint triggers to be neater and bigger.

Area 51 (Sector 4):

  • Moved a multitool to be easier to pick up.
  • Aligned some textures.
  • Added skillpoint bonuses to the UC rooms.
  • Fixed some floors being reflective when the ones around it weren’t.
  • Fixed some textures being completely black and not reflecting any light.


  • Fixed a typo when using the targeting aug on DeBeers.
  • Fixed a typo in the regeneration aug for “Normal” mode.
  • Fixed losing grenades if attempting to place one on a surface but canceling.
  • Made fireballs and plasma heat sources for the vision augmentation.
  • Made JC keep some of his light weapons out when in conversations.
  • Changed the main menu text to reflect the actual Revision version.


  • Disallowed accuracy and recoil mods being able to be put on weapons when they would have no effect, for “Normal” mode.
  • Changed the zoom of the Elite Assault Rifle from 10 to 22.5.

Please note:
As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content. Got a bug you want fixed? Suggestion you want implemented? Post it here: Bugs.dx-revision.com Patch is live

We have released update! The following issues and changes are addressed in this update:

Liberty Island:

  • Added the new turret to the security console outside.
  • Added crates to allow you to jump up the crates by the cell.
  • Added dart pack.
  • Fixed a backwards texture.

Battery Park (First visit):

  • Fixed a laser being inside the wall on normal-realistic.

Ton Hotel (First visit):

  • Fixed the terrorist downstairs being friendly if you jump over the front desk.

Smuggler’s Lair (First visit):

  • Added crates to the roof.

NYC Underground (First visit):

  • Fixed a missing texture.

NYC Street (First visit):

  • Fixed part of the sidewalk not being solid.
  • Fixed some floating items in a shop.

UNATCO HQ (Third Visit):

  • Added 20mm HE ammo (not on realistic)
  • Added tranquillizer darts (only on realistic)
  • Added assault rifle.
  • Added 7.62mm ammo.
  • Added throwing knives.


  • Fixed the manholes being invisible from the bottom since one of the last patches.
  • Fixed some lasers showing their invisible backs.
  • Fixed some lights’ collisions portruding out of the ceiling, making walking on one roof a bit wrong.
  • Fixed a fence only being solid for the player.
  • Fixed a skillpoint trigger in the sewer vent that was stuck in a wall.
  • Fixed some flickering surfaces in the basement.
  • Made two of the bushes up by the sniper not solid so it’s less likely to push you to your death.
  • Made all of the large metal doors underground breakable (one wasn’t).
  • Changed the bots to react to more player actions.
  • Moved the basement skillpoint trigger to the datacube room instead of ladder, for if you enter via the sewer.
  • Removed an unreachable crate.
  • Added crowbar.
  • Added lockpick.
  • Increased the amount of doors the basement key works on.
  • Lowered the stregth of the windows of the hidden area.
  • Tidied some textures.

Ton Hotel (Second visit):

  • Fixed Mr Renton going for the alarm and breaking conversations.
  • Moved the control panel to reflect chapter 2’s.

UNATCO HQ (Final visit):

  • Gave Anna a key to her room and cupboard.
  • Added clip mod (easy only).
  • Added range mod (not on realistic).
  • Added recoil mod.
  • Added reload mod.
  • Added 7.62mm ammo.
  • Added 550 credits.
  • Added EMP grenade.
  • Added LAM (not on realistic).
  • Added combat knife.

Hong Kong Compound:

  • Fixed player being able to get out of the map.
  • Fixed some bad pathing making the AI run into a pole repeatedly.
  • Added LAM.
  • Added a button on the other side of the door to Tong.
  • Set the security bot to attack the battlers in the fight on the street.
  • Called the dog ‘Sparky’.
  • Made it harder to land on Jock’s chopper and thus getting killed.

Hong Kong Tong’s Lab:

  • Fixed some upside down, backwards, and misaligned textures.
  • Replaced some textures.

Hong Kong Lucky Money:

  • Fixed a camera not being able to be turned off via security console.
  • Fixed some emails being on the wrong computer.

Ton Hotel (Final Visit):

  • Moved the control panel to reflect chapter 2’s.

Navel Dockyard:

  • Swapped the voices of the soldiers to be more unique to the level.

Ship Lower Decks:

  • Fixed some metal doors producing wood fragments and sounds when blown up.


  • Fixed key stating “chappel” instead of “chapel”.
  • Fixed a brush glitch which allowed you to stand on some water.
  • Fixed being able to softlock the game by shooting the Gatekeeper before he opened the gate.
  • Removed a glitchy dirt mound.
  • Increased the amount of flares in the chests underground.
  • Added a knife to the aug upgrade room.
  • Added some darts to the skull chest.
  • Lowered the min damage of the wall to leave the aug upgrade room.
  • Neatened the EMP device’s textures.
  • Stopped player from leaving the playing area.
  • Improved pathing.

Paris Streets:

  • Improved pathing.
  • Moved an infolink.

Everett Home:

  • Fixed Morpheus cosplaying as the moon.

OceanLab UC:

  • Replaced the “DOOR RESET” texture with “ELEVATOR RESET”.
  • Made keypads to the command center slightly easier to spot.


  • Changed the medicine/medkits healing from 30/60/75/90 to 30/45/60/90.
  • As most damage types (not sabot or explosive) only do 75% damage to breakable surfaces in “Normal” mode, the minimum damage required was increased to try to reflect the damage that you will most likely need.


  • Fixed 15_Bunker_Ambient.ogg having the wrong title when played in a media player.
  • Fixed the right keyboard of computers having backwards text.
  • Fixed robots stating critical damage when disabled.
  • Fixed the log not correctly displaying how much space you need when trying to pick up a weapon from a carcass without enough space.
  • Added some support for the * and # keys on keypads. Keypad asterisk for *, Shift + 3 for #, # (British keyboard layout) for #.
  • Added more information for augmentations in “Normal” mode.
  • Added South Sudan to the world maps.
  • Removed California from the world maps.
  • Improved the flare description.
  • Decreased the time that phones beep.
  • Changed the description of the soundtrack option and changed its setting to “Revision/Deus Ex” instead of “Enabled/Disabled”.

Please note:

As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content. Got a bug you want fixed? Suggestion you want implemented? Post it here: Bugs.dx-revision.com

1.0.3 Patch is live

We have released update 1.0.3, our new biggest patch, and only a week since our last one! With 175 bugs fixed and suggestions implemented, we hope you enjoy it! This patch also marks the 50% mark of all bugs and suggestions being corrected and implimented! The following issues and changes are addressed in this update:

Liberty Island:

  • Fixed an ATM being destructible.
  • Fixed a floating camera.
  • Fixed Corporal Collins being killable.
  • Removed the flamethrower thug on easy/normal.
  • Changed a terrorist’s voice to match his conversation voice.
  • Made Gunther somewhat easier to rescue.
  • Moved the coffee mug at the start to Kaplan’s desk.

UNATCO HQ (First visit):

  • Fixed being able to push a couch through a wall.
  • Replaced rusty vent textures with cleaner ones.
  • Increased the collision size of the skillpoint award when going to Carter.
  • Moved some broken path nodes.

Hell’s Kitchen (First visit):

  • Fixed an error that would kill you if you walked in a certain place. (Thanks LewdFandango!)

Underworld Tavern (First visit):

  • Changed Jock to use his unused lines.

NYC Underground (First visit):

  • Removed a redundant datacube.


  • Fixed some floating items.
  • Improved the elevator, making it be usable if entering via the airfield.

UNATCO HQ (Second visit):

  • Fixed being able to push a couch through a wall.
  • Replaced rusty vent textures with cleaner ones.

Battery Park (Second visit):

  • Fixed a broken conversation where you wouldn’t receive what you paid for.

UNATCO HQ (Third visit):

  • Fixed being able to push a couch through a wall.
  • Replaced rusty vent textures with cleaner ones.

NYC MJ12 Lab:

  • Fixed a bad texture and floating datacube.
  • Fixed floating soyfood.
  • Fixed the command center sign using the British English spelling.
  • Fixed the amount of throwing knives you have resetting to the default amount in the armoury.
  • Increased the range of the turret in the armoury.
  • Changed a trooper’s voice to match his conversation voice.

UNATCO HQ (Final visit):

  • Fixed half of the academy being called Scott.
  • Fixed AI pathing, AI can now move in and out of any room.
  • Replaced some rusty vent textures with slightly neater ones.
  • Added flamethrowers on realistic.
  • Added shotgunner on realistic.
  • Added a pistol.
  • Added PS20.
  • Added laser mod.
  • Trapped your office on hard/realistic.
  • Gave the realistic soldiers unique voices.
  • Added bonus above armoury.
  • Replaced the first soldier with a MiB.

MJ12 Hong Kong Helibase:

  • Lowered the mindamage value of the locker containing the key from 10 to 7.

Wan Chai Market:

  • Lowered the collision size of a bot and moved it slightly.
  • Added gas grenade.
  • Added throwing knives.
  • Added WP rockets.
  • Fixed some invisible collision in the street.
  • Fixed some objects not being solid.
  • Fixed some floating decals.
  • Fixed a wire mesh not being solid.

Tonnochi Road:

  • Moved an unused skillpoint bonus from vanilla from under Jock’s apartment where it was unobtainable to inside it.
  • Hid the unreachable crates.
  • Fixed crates being too close to a wall and not spawning contents sometimes.
  • Fixed an indestructible crate being destructible.
  • Fixed floating items.
  • Fixed a wall not being solid.
  • Fixed a mesh not being solid.
  • Made the windows to the augmentation upgrade canister breakable.
  • Improved the elevator to Jock’s.

Hong Kong Canals:

  • Made a paper lantern invincible.
  • Made an area of the water easier to get out.
  • Fixed a floating cigarette machine.
  • Fixed a flickering texture overlap.

Lucky Money:

  • Fixed a bad sign texture.
  • Fixed a woman’s familiar name and unfamiliar name being mixed up.
  • Fixed a commando spawning inside a table.
  • Made a phone invincible.
  • Made a door and keypad unusable.
  • Made the triads behind Max Chen not react to anything.
  • Changed a texture to improve load times.
  • Moved wine out from fridge so it doesn’t clip.
  • Moved wine with a bad hitbox.
  • Improved pathing somewhat.
  • Added another commando on realistic.
  • Removed a potted plant.

Versalife Offices:

  • Fixed the windows making a wooden sound when destroyed.
  • Fixed a newspaper not showing its high quality model.
  • Fixed the vents having solid gaps in them.
  • Added lockpick.
  • Improved pathing slightly.

Versalife R&D (Level 1):

  • Gave new lines to the MJ12 commandos when they’re friendly.

Ship Below Decks:

  • Changed the security consoles from US Navy to Chinese.
  • Gave the dead sailor his missing items.
  • Increased the amount, range, damage, and fire rate of the turrets in the helipad.
  • Added another security console to control the other three.
  • Made the attack helicopter invincible.
  • Made some doors not usable.
  • Made a vent usable.
  • Made the door to the wield point codes breakable.
  • Fixed some vent textures.
  • Fixed a convex window caving in on itself.
  • Stopped the huge fan from “floating”.


  • Made the explosive barrel in the EM generator room not collide with the player.

Paris Catacombs Tunnels:

  • Gave Agent Hela a melee weapon.

Paris Streets:

  • Fixed some trash bags overlapping each other.
  • Increased the size of the level transition to the club to avoid bypassing it.
  • Lowered some floating items in the arms dealer’s apartment.
  • Blocked off an area where the player can get stuck.
  • Raised a book so it isn’t inside an oven.
  • Replaced the blue lasers with red ones, to prevent confusion.

Knight’s Templar Cathedral:

  • Fixed a building having incorrect textures on one side.
  • Fixed another building’s textures.
  • Fixed some misaligned textures in the sewer.
  • Changed the security login for one of the consoles (too long) and added two new ones for it.
  • Added turret above said console.
  • Added crates to get to clip mod.
  • Added clip mod.
  • Improved some pathing.
  • Lowered the move time of the blocked door.
  • Aligned some textures in the cathedral.

Everett’s Home:

  • Fixed the dead mechanic not giving items.
  • Fixed disconnected pathing.
  • Fixed not being able to use weapons when pressing against the aquarium glass.
  • Fixed Atanwe’s subtitles including cut text.
  • Moved Alex’s computer back so the underside cannot be seen.
  • Hid some items at the start.
  • Added some pawns outside the window, keep your enemies close.
  • Made Atanwe invincible.
  • Made the doors at the start unusable.

Vandenberg AFB:

  • Increased the collision size of a skillpoint trigger so it’s more user-friendly.
  • Increased the commandos’ hearing.
  • Increased a guard near the medical area’s hearing and reactions.
  • Added some lockpicks in areas that were barren.
  • Changed some desk textures.
  • Changed the voice of a MJ12 trooper to match his conversation dialogue voice.
  • Changed a soldier’s weapons with a sniper rifle to make more sense regarding his position.
  • Moved both turrets in the lobby area so they don’t clip into the ground and actually shoot.
  • Moved the smaller security bot’s patrol points so that they move closer to the railings, allowing for grenades to be used.
  • Moved a computer back so you can’t see under it.
  • Fixed the gate to the COMM building being usable.
  • Fixed some other textures.
  • Fixed a computer’s icon.
  • Fixed being able to jump through the barriers at Jock.
  • Fixed Tong running away if you take fall damage.
  • Removed an unneeded door.

Vandenberg AFB Computer:

  • Fixed some pathing.
  • Fixed bad textures on the pipes.
  • Fixed overlapping brushes.
  • Made the rails at the top of the level solid.
  • Replaced some textures.
  • Flipped a keyboard texture.

Gas Station:

  • Fixed a crate being in the ground.
  • Fixed a glitchy shadow.
  • Fixed a power line disappearing in mid air.
  • Fixed two floating lamp posts.
  • Somewhat fixed an error that prevents you from picking up some items in the gas station.
  • Blocked the player from jumping out of the map. Sorry for the invisible walls.
  • Added tech goggles.

Sub-base Surface:

  • Gave two MiBs melee weapons.
  • Fixed a LAW being selectable through a locker.
  • Fixed clipping boxes.
  • Fixed some textures.
  • Fixed a floating book and lamp.
  • Fixed an unsolid mesh.
  • Fixed a ladder not having a texture on the back.
  • Fixed a ladder to the fans.
  • Fixed a mover that was disappearing in the wall.
  • Made an infolink not play if you’ve been to the UC.
  • Made the hatch on the new module not have a gap between it and the ground.
  • Added some contents to empty boxes.
  • Changed some fans to damage you if you block them.
  • Changed a control panel that did nothing.
  • Improved AI pathing.

Ocean Lab:

  • Fixed a backwards texture in the greasel pen.
  • Fixed a misaligned ground texture.
  • Fixed a box not having its contents correctly set.
  • Fixed a scientist not having an aug upgrade when he should.
  • Fixed some crates spawning inside a wall.
  • Fixed some ammo being stuck in the ground.
  • Fixed some backwards keyboard textures.
  • Fixed some cabinets not being lit.
  • Fixed a cabinet floating in midair when opened.
  • Fixed a security console not having a username or password.
  • Fixed a security console having its username and password mixed up.
  • Made the computer in the greasel lab able to open the greasel lab and command center doors.
  • Made the door to the greasels pickable, 40% strength.
  • Made the security bot not continously say “Scanning Area”.
  • Made two infolinks not play if you’ve been to the UC.
  • Moved one of the infolinks up so it’s usually triggered.
  • Rotated a texture.
  • Ordered the transgenics in the construction area to wander instead of stand.
  • Added a greasel.
  • Added more pathing.
  • Added a surprise at the end on hard/realistic.
  • Added flares.
  • Added reload mod.
  • Added flamethrower.
  • Added two rebreathers.
  • Added LAM.
  • Added tranquilizer darts.

Area 51 Bunker:

  • Fixed some broken pathing and added more.
  • Fixed a MiB having only one clip of ammo and no melee weapon.
  • Fixed misaligned textures.
  • Replaced blue lasers in the sniper tower with red ones.

Area 51 Sector 2:

  • Fixed MiBs not having melee weapons.
  • Fixed the generator being able to be destroyed manually.
  • Fixed some keyboard textures.
  • Fixed a window not being solid.
  • Fixed a typo in an infolink.
  • Moved an elevator button to look better.
  • Replaced SecurityBot2 with MilitaryBot on realistic.
  • Replaced the elevator troops on realistic.
  • Made the robots say area secure when killing you.
  • Added a block to prevent getting stuck.
  • Added a LAW to destroy it on realistic.
  • Added rockets on realistic.

Area 51 Sector 3:

  • Fixed many carcasses incorrectly having items set to not be collectable.
  • Fixed more MiBs not having melee weapons.
  • Gave a MiB an Elite Assault Rifle instead.
  • Improved pathing.

Area 51 Sector 4:

  • Aligned some textures.
  • Made it so some radioactive barrels deal radiation damage.
  • Fixed a crate being broken by a vent.
  • Fixed floating 30.06 ammo.


  • Increased the damage that doors/windows take from weapons.
  • Commandos now play their usused critical damage sounds when at 25% hp.
  • Gave “new” lines to the MJ12 commandos for when they target you.
  • Animals can now be knocked unconscious.
  • As a side effect, animals can now be stunned.
  • Light objects, including but not limited to, grenades, rats, birds, and light props, no longer trigger lasers.
  • Lowered the weight of gas so it also doesn’t trigger lasers.
  • Tech Goggles now last three times as long.
  • Thermoptic armour now gives a 10%/25% damage reduction bonus at advanced/master level in “Normal” mode.


  • Fixed a texture saying “RESTRICED AREA” instead of “RESTRICTED AREA”.
  • Fixed a bush making a metal sound when walked on.
  • Fixed destroyed cars making a grass sound when walked on.
  • Fixed props taking poison damage, which would have them incorrectly destroyed at times.
  • Fixed lasers staying in the map when transitioning between levels.

Please note:

As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content.

Got a bug you want fixed? Suggestion you want implemented? Post it here: http://bugs.dx-revision.com/

1.0.2 Patch is live

We have released update 1.0.2, our biggest patch yet! With over 115 bugs fixed and suggestions implemented, we hope you enjoy it! The following issues and changes are addressed in this update:

Battery Park (First visit):

  • Increased the trigger collisions at the ambrosia from 40 to 130.
  • Added three fire extinguishers in crates.
  • Added a control panel to disable the lasers, 30% strength.
  • Added a medkit inside Castle Clinton.
  • Added crates to prevent player from getting stuck.
  • Added some collision in the train windows.
  • Added a crate in the bay for strength aug users to get the biocell and for cover.
  • Added a prod charger to the bay.
  • Removed three of the lasers on easy, so you can destroy them with one rocket.
  • Aligned some textures in Castle Clinton.
  • Moved some vent textures.
  • Fixed some floating zyme.

Hell’s Kitchen (First visit):

  • Readded the augmentation upgrade canister at Osgood and Son’s.
  • Added a new room a skyscraper with rewards inside.
  • Added a missing (unusable) elevator button.
  • Fixed some bad collision.
  • Changed the riot cop AI so they don’t fight you while helping them.
  • Removed the unobtainable items behind the fence near Osgood and Son’s.
  • Increased the size of the map transition to the clinic so it cannot be skipped.

Underworld Tavern (First visit):

  • Aligned the textures of the stone floor.
  • Added some more pathing at Shea’s room.
  • Decreased volume of TV at bar.
  • Increased the strength of Shea’s trunk from 10 min to 20 min.

The ‘Ton Hotel (First visit):

  • Replaced the blue laser in the elevator shaft with a red one to reflect what it triggers.
  • Replaced the LAM in the elevator shaft with a gas grenade.
  • Fixed a typo in a conversation with Mr Renton.
  • Made it so Mr Renton doesn’t set off the alarm for the terrorists.

Smuggler’s Hideout (First visit):

  • Changed the first EMP grenade to not appear on easy.
  • Added a gas grenade on all difficulties.
  • Added a LAM on realistic.
  • Added an EMP grenade on realistic.
  • Swapped the 2nd EMP grenade with a gas grenade.

NSF Warehouse:

  • Changed the warehouse windows to make a glass sound when destroyed instead of a wooden one.
  • Made a window in the new area breakable.
  • Fixed some misaligned textures in the bathroom.
  • Fixed a misaligned texture in the elevator.
  • Fixed 30.06 ammo causing pathing issues.
  • Fixed being able to collide with the invisible TNT.
  • Improved some AI pathing.
  • Removed a graffiti texture.
  • Added a missing texture.
  • Added a multitool in an unexplored area.
  • Added flare darts.
  • Added TNT crate.
  • Added a prod charger.
  • Added contents to cardboard boxes.
  • Added 20mm HE ammo. (Rifle on realistic)
  • Added another sniper on realistic.
  • Added peppergun.
  • Hid credit chit.
  • Hid a lockpick.

The ‘Ton Hotel (All visits):

  • Fixed some wallpaper having a bad texture scale.

Hell’s Kitchen (All visits):

  • Fixed the gap in the window of the shop beside the tavern.
  • Fixed unsolid grating on the balconies.
  • Changed a traffic light from unsolid to solid.
  • Made the stairway in Smuggler’s building more obviously impassable.
  • Added a van to Jimmy’s Car Service.
  • Prevented player from being able to get trapped in a certain room due to high windows.

Lebedev’s 747:

  • Fixed some textures being incorrectly scaled.
  • Added NSF outside the plane to reflect the hangar map.

Hell’s Kitchen (Second visit):

  • Fixed texture alignment on an advertisement.

The ‘Ton Hotel (Second visit):

  • Fixed a book inside Paul’s secret closet that was instantly destroyed when opened.

NSF Headquarters:

  • Fixed some incorrectly aligned textures.
  • Fixed some bad collision in a doorway.
  • Fixed issue with the halon gas not being rendered.
  • Fixed some floating boxes.
  • Fixed balcony flowers that were corrupted.
  • Fixed some floating coronas.
  • Fixed more stuff under the railway.
  • Fixed some brushes having holes in them.
  • Changed sewer access to pickable.
  • Changed sewer warehouse entrance/exit to unpickable.
  • Added some darts to the dart board.
  • Added a skillpoint bonus beside the sniper above the tunnel.
  • Increased the HP of the blackvans so they aren’t so prone to being destroyed.
  • Increased the height of the grass in the flowerbeds above the tunnel.
  • Removed some collision that would interfere with grenades.

Battery Park (Final visit):

  • Fixed the robots not being allied to Gunther.
  • Fixed the UNATCO troops having the wrong name set for Anna’s alliance.
  • Fixed the UNATCO troops not being aligned with Gunther.
  • Fixed being able to jump out of the map, mostly.
  • Fixed some props overlapping each other.
  • Added a lockpick.

Liberty Island (Final visit)

  • Moved Lloyd when playing on realistic.
  • Moved the cameras back so they’re not floating.
  • Moved a box out of bounds containing flare darts in bounds.
  • Moved Kaplan’s computer back so it doesn’t overhang.
  • Added more troops when playing on hard and realistic.
  • Added a fire extinguisher behind the COMvan.
  • Added a multitool besides Lloyd’s desk.
  • Added a biocell on top of the trophy display on easy and normal.
  • Added a recoil mod above the main door.
  • Added a pepper cartridge.
  • Added binoculars.
  • Added 10mm ammo on easy.
  • Added some more lighting at the staircase.
  • Added a robot on realistic.
  • Hid a forty and some cigs.
  • Fixed a bad texture on a fence.
  • Changed the troop in the helipad building’s name to Tech Sergeant Kaplan.
  • Rotated Kaplan’s chair so he looks out at the helipad instead of sitting during the firefight. Also makes it able to sneak up on him.
  • Made the building by the helipad’s main window breakable too.
  • Replaced the assault shotgun in the helipad building with a pistol.
  • Gave the assault shotgun to Kaplan.
  • Gave Lloyd a gas grenade.
  • Rigged that gas grenade to the wall when leaving on UNATCO on realistic.
  • Removed a gas grenade from the helipad building as compensation.
  • Removed some out of bounds objects.

Wan Chai Market:

  • Fixed a box having its contents incorrectly set to never spawn.
  • Fixed traffic lights not being solid.
  • Fixed a ship wheel being usuable through a wall.
  • Fixed a wall mounted LAW falling to the ground.
  • Fixed a window not being breakable.
  • Fixed a door making an explosion and the wrong debris when destroyed.
  • Fixed a carcass having credits incorrectly set to not appear.
  • Fixed a crowbar falling to the ground instead of being hung up.
  • Fixed some objects floating in mid-air instead of being wall mounted.
  • Fixed some crates being destructable when they shouldn’t be.
  • Fixed a crashed car displaying a bugged name if viewed in the targeting aug.
  • Fixed the big dog constantly standing on the small dog in the pet shop.
  • Aligned many, many textures.
  • Readded the keypad to get back to the helipad.
  • Replaced some textures.
  • Made a vent unable to be highlighted to ensure it doesn’t annoy people.
  • Added a window texture to a skyscraper that was missing a small section.
  • Added a prod charger to a balcony.

Versalife R&D (Level 1):

  • Moved a button on the elevator to level 2 so that it is in-line with the others.
  • Fixed a grate that went inside a wall when opened.
  • Fixed an incorrect brush letting you see through the wall.
  • Fixed a misaligned texture in a secret area.
  • Fixed some backwards textures and replaced some others.
  • Fixed the light fixtures having incorrectly aligned textures.
  • Fixed some cardboard boxes that incorrectly had their contents set to never spawn.
  • Fixed a floating nanokey by the dead grey.
  • Fixed some MiBs having the wrong ammo type.
  • Fixed some missing collision on some walkway glass.
  • Changed AI alliances to make sure they don’t kill each others.
  • Changed some AI to be hostile after stealing the ROM encoding.
  • Changed a cabinet containing multitools from 60%/- to 20%/30%.
  • Added blocks in the vents to prevent rats from getting in the way.
  • Added nanokeys to all soldiers which give access to the lockers.
  • Made more floors reflective to stay consistent.
  • Increased sight range and visibility threshold of Greasel in the vents.
  • Stopped a barrel from producing smoke to prevent graphical issues.

Versalife R&D (Level 2):

  • Flipped some textures so they’re at the right orientation.
  • Increased Maggie Chow’s health to 100%.
  • Aligned some more textures on the doors in the tunnel.
  • Increased the height the rod moves to make the blue stuff inside look less terrible after the UC is destroyed.
  • Increased the height of the water you land in when entering via the pipe to fix a shimmering surface issue.
  • Altered a pipe minimally so it connects to another pipe seamlessly.
  • Altered the positioning of the ladders on the pipes under the UC and added a ladder to one of the pipes that didn’t have one.
  • Added more light under the UC to be able to see the ladders more clearly and made them indestructible.
  • Fixed the textures on the UC hatches so they’re scaled properly.
  • Fixed a pipe’s texture scales so it displays correctly.
  • Fixed textures on the nanotech containment door.
  • Lowered water level under UC so you won’t land swimming in it and also to resolve a shimmering surface issue.
  • Made fan destructible above the UC PC.
  • Moved spider-bots backwards so grenades outside won’t be detonated by them until they’re released.
  • Moved the cage light at the end of the level backwards so it is now attached to the wall.
  • Adjusted position of mirror at the start so it’s no longer floating (as badly).
  • Scientist at the computer now reacts to more things, especially sound.

Tracer Tong’s Lab:

  • Fixed the plasma rifle floating.
  • Fixed the wicker basket having the contents incorrectly set and never spawning throwing knives.
  • As each throwing knife gives 15, decreased the wicker basket’s contents from 8 to 1.
  • Rotated the plasma rifle to make it more noticeable and look nicer.
  • Improved the ceiling where Tong/Paul are.
  • Added an email to a computer.

The ‘Ton Hotel (Final visit):

  • Added pathing to the map to help AI function.
  • Changed AI intelligence to be more aware of their surroundings.
  • Fixed a floating lamp.

Hell’s Kitchen (Final visit):

  • Fixed a pathing issue with a robot.
  • Fixed texture alignment on an advertisement.
  • Fixed some brushes in the subway so they can be lit.
  • Added a missing (unusable) elevator button.
  • Removed blocks on the roof that weren’t needed.
  • Increased the size of the map transition to the clinic so it cannot be skipped.
  • Lowered the water level at Osgood and Son’s to prevent swimming when landing.

Hell’s Kitchen Free Clinic (Final Visit):

  • Increased the size of the map transition so it cannot be skipped.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Exterior):

  • Fixed some of the AI pathing.
  • Added an EMP grenade in a cabinet that was locked but empty.
  • Added a mini-crossbow in a drawer that was locked but empty.
  • Added two PS20s to a drawer that was locked but empty.
  • Added a small crate to the building with the repair bot in, to prevent players from getting stuck.
  • Added a water-cooler in the base commander’s building.
  • Added prod charge to draw that was locked but empty.
  • Added a fire extinguisher.
  • Hid a lockpick on the map.
  • Hid two multitools on the map.
  • Hid a reload mod on the map.
  • Moved some cameras so it wasn’t floating.
  • Readded the flamethrowers to the two bots in the armoury.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards (Interior):

  • Added a sniper rifle on easy and normal.
  • Added a control panel for the lasers.
  • Added monsterblocks to stop the AI going into the water.
  • Added a medical crate.
  • Added flares.
  • Added binoculars.
  • Added gas grenade.
  • Added a turret to the dock.
  • Added a camera and security console for turret.
  • Added a login and password for a security computer that didn’t have one.
  • Added multitool crate.
  • Added water zones in the small buckets of water so items splash/float in them.
  • Replaced the augmentation upgrade crate to be a medical crate instead.
  • Replaced the blue lasers with red ones.
  • Moved pathing to stop the AI going into the water.
  • Moved a patrol to not trigger the red lasers.
  • Fixed a guard having a name incorrectly set.
  • Fixed sailors shooting the guards.
  • Fixed a brush that was too low and appeared to be missing.
  • Fixed two faces that didn’t reflect light in the crane control room.
  • Changed the voice of the new soldiers to be unique.
  • Changed a guard to be a sniper.
  • Renamed some things.
  • Hid a lockpick at the start.
  • Aligned some textures.
  • Lowered the lock strength of a locker.
  • Lowered a crate so it isn’t destroyed from fall damage.
  • Made the goodsroom able to be opened with the new security console.
  • Greatly improved pathing, AI can now move from the dock to the ship.
  • Gave the sailors flares.
  • Gave some of the hard/realistic soldiers additional weapons.
  • Aligned the texture of the destructible floor on the top deck so it blends in seamlessly.
  • Made some chains climbable from one side so you don’t get stuck.
  • Moved the elevator down so it’s the same level as the ground.

Denfert-Rochereau (Rooftops):

  • Changed commando and robot alliances.
  • Made the MJ12 troops on the street react to being attacked.
  • Added some darts and a multitool at the end.
  • Blocked player from jumping over the gate at the end.
  • Renamed some stuff.

La Porte de l’Enfer:

  • Added more visuals to the map.
  • Optimized pathing.

Vandenberg AFB Tunnels:

  • Changed texture of the security bot to Chinese.
  • Added a gas grenade to the dead MJ12 trooper.
  • Added a weapon mod in the radioactive area.
  • Fixed some misaligned textures.
  • Fixed a barrel spawning inside a wall.
  • Fixed the TNT in the radioactive tunnel sometimes exploding on map load.
  • Hid a lockpick and prod at the end.

Pasadena Ocean Lab UC Module:

  • Changed fan health from 200% to 100%.
  • Moved a button on an elevator to have a neater and more logical position.
  • Fixed some textures that were wrongly orientated.

Missile Silo:

  • Fixed the blue lasers by the elevator on the surface not working.
  • Fixed trashbag1 having contents incorrectly set.
  • Fixed the lid of a chest being unlit.
  • Fixed a door that closed if you blocked another door from opening/closing.
  • Added a hackable control panel to disable the blue lasers.
  • Added an ambushing plasma rifle MiB on realistic.
  • Give the MiBs on the map melee weapons.
  • Made the laser emitters slightly smaller to prevent you from seeing the back.
  • Flipped some keyboard textures.
  • Renamed Jock’s helicopter and decreased its collision size.


  • Greasels and karkians no longer eat bodies at 100%hp, they must be damaged to eat them and heal. This way they will store food for when they need it.
  • When you don’t have enough space to pick up an item it will now state the amount of space required. “You don’t have enough room in your inventory to pick up the Flamethrower” becomes “You don’t have enough room in your inventory to pick up the Flamethrower, you require 4×2.”.
  • Robots now play their “Critical Damage” sound when at 25%hp.
  • Changed robots to be unable to open doors.
  • The GEP gun can now have a laser pointer attached.
  • Fixed some grenades spawning on all difficulties when they shouldn’t.
  • EMP grenades can now permanently disable cameras, turrets, alarm panels, and lasers at master skill level.
  • Master level sniper rifles can now destroy laser emitters, an oversight in the code from the original.
  • The duration of alcohol’s effects is reduced with every level of environmental resistance in “Normal” game mode.
  • Flare darts give back normal darts instead of being reusable.
  • Thermoptic camo can now be used to bypass cameras and turrets as well as organics and bots.


  • Fixed the keybinding issue with Mantle/Jump in Biomod.
  • Fixed targeting aug showing pure weapon names instead of neat names. I.e. “WeaponRobotMachineGun” -> “Machine Gun”.
  • Fixed bushes making a metal sound when walked on.
  • Recoil weapon mod and reload weapon mod now show “MOD RECOIL” and “MOD RELOAD” instead of “MOD RECOL” and “MOD RELOD” when picking them up from a carcass.
  • Changed the rate of fire weapon mod (Shifter and Biomod) to use both the laser model in game and in the inventory.
  • Changed Jock’s pistol to say “Found Jock’s Pistol” instead of “Found a Jock’s Pistol”.
  • Updated SecurityBot3’s code to allow it to use the (low quality and previously unused) Chinese skin.
  • Made sure that a weapon’s laser sights are disabled after dying.
  • Pallet jacks are now heavier and no longer buoyant.
  • Empty water coolers no longer make a puddle of water when destroyed.
  • Animals now run away from loud noises, such as gunshots.
  • Added Shifter Texture pack to Biomod and Shifter scenarios.
  • Made WinDrvLite the default window manager on a permanent basis, so people will automatically get the mouse acceleration issue fixed.

Please note:
As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content.

Got a bug you want fixed? Suggestion you want implemented? Post it here: Revision Bugtracker Patch is live

The patch is now live! The following issues are addressed in this update:

  • Added raw input to address mouse acceleration issues. This is still experimental, you must manually activate it by opening up Revision.ini found in the System folder (Browse Local Files), and then edit the ViewportManager line under [Engine.Engine] to read ViewportManager=WinDrvLite.WindowsClientLite.
    If you encounter new issues relating to input, hangs or crashes try switching back to the old ViewportManager and see if the issues go away (you can comment out lines with semicolon). If they are not present in the old ViewportManager make sure to let us know so we can try and locate the issue with the new one.
  • Fixed the Shifter/Biomod crash that happened after training.
  • Fixed the Shifter/Biomod crash when carrying containers (crates mostly) across maps sometimes.
  • Changed mouse sensitivity slider with range of 0.1-0.9 in increments of 0.1, might be useful for the new raw input.
  • Various localization fixes including fixing the incorrect text in Biomod that the previous patch introduced.
  • Fixed an issue where the laser dot would erroneously appear onscreen after applying a laser sight mod to a weapon that you did not have equipped.
  • Made it harder to get out of the playable area in later instances of Liberty Island, also fixed a small AI pathfinding issue in those levels.
  • Fixed being able to give orders to Miguel in the last instance of Liberty Island.
  • Pallet Jacks now show a selection box.
  • Fixed an issue where the crosshair settings box was 10px too large.

Please note:

As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content. Patch is live

We’ve pushed our fifth patch (v1.0.1.2) live to all users on Steam! The changelog is below and in order of how the maps appear where applicable:


  • Fixed some localization issues, especially with the settings menu.
  • Fixed a music issue for the Hong Kong opening cutscene.
  • Changed hotkeys during character creation to remove overlapping hotkeys.
  • Fixed a sound issue where trash paper would make a metal sound when destroyed.
  • Added new Revision/Biomod/Shifter weapons to the AllWeapons cheat.
  • Made printers explode when destroyed.
  • Fixed hand-dryers playing their sound after being destroyed.
  • Added names to cacti for targeting augmentation.
  • Changed the sound for walking on cacti.
  • Removed duplicate “Alternate fire” controls when using Biomod or Shifter.
  • Fixed images dropping from dead bodies.
  • Update the game launcher to include experimental Windows 10 settings.
  • Added version string in the log printout. This will be helpful for tracking down reported issues.
  • Fixed an ammo-switching bug with the Assault Rifle introduced in the previous patch.

Gameplay – AI:

  • Changed the AI so it now uses the GEP gun’s locking feature if playing on realistic. Hopefully this will introduce additional challenge for hardcore players.

Gameplay – Maps:

Hell’s Kitchen

  • Increased damage threshold for the doors to Smuggler’s hidden entrance on all Hell’s Kitchen instances.
  • On the second visit to Hell’s Kitchen, the subway keypad is now unusable up until the end of the level to prevent players breaking the game.
  • Swapped tags on Riot Cops in the last visit to Hell’s Kitchen, so UNATCO troopers don’t spawn so obviously.
  • Minor texture fixes.

Brooklyn Naval Shipyards

  • Fixed a rendering and collision error which blocked movement and let the player see through the ground.
  • Added a safe that was erroneously missing.
  • Made a level transition harder to miss between the exterior and interior sections of the location.
  • Increased the minimum damage threshold for the truck doors to 40.
  • Added back the keypad to open a gate to the compound in the dockyard map.
  • Re-added the button on the door near the crane to allow the player to get out if leaving from the ship.
  • Fixed an issue where the security console would not change robot behavior.
  • Fixed a door that was a bit problematic to open.
  • Fixed a collision and visibility issue with a grate.
  • Improved geometry in the sewer areas.
  • Modified some lights you could activate with switches.
  • Minor texture fixes.

Please note:

As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content. Patch is live

We’ve pushed our fourth patch (v1.0.1.1) live to all users on Steam. The changelog is below:

  • Added weather effects toggle in Game Options. This setting may be useful for improving performance.
  • Future-proofed the Ogg music system.
  • Fixed a bug where explosive barrels would explode after a small amount of load/save cycles.
  • Added fish names for the targeting augmentation to display.
  • Added a scope to the LAW to reflect the model.
  • Miscellaneous changes to support disposable weapons with scopes, including making sure that the LAW doesn’t get an accuracy penalty when not using the scope.
  • Altered furniture to be flammable for Biomod and Shifter.
  • Made a type of chair flammable in Human Renovation (Normal gameplay style).
  • Made plants flammable.
  • Lowered the low ammo water mark for 20mm HE ammo compared to regular ammo for the assault rifle so it reflects the ammo’s rarity and the amount you can carry.
  • Changed credits so the ‘Special Thanks’ section has better formatting and looks neater.
  • Adjusted behavior for a type of NPC, so that in a firefight they will stand their ground for longer than before.
  • Fixed a slight health issue with a type of NPC.
  • Fixed a lot of improperly aligned textures in the Hell’s Kitchen Sewers.
  • Fixed some issues with fog in the Hell’s Kitchen Sewers, along with a few other small changes.
  • Moved an alarm panel in the detention area so that NPCs can use it in UNATCO HQ.
  • Made it impossible to steal from Anna’s cabinet in UNATCO HQ.
  • Fixed an issue where Simons could get stuck on a door in the detention area, along with getting trapped inside the interrogation room in UNATCO HQ.
  • Fixed a rare issue where the player could get trapped inside Alex’s closet in UNATCO HQ.
  • Made sure that Shannon doesn’t appear in later visits to UNATCO HQ if she has been killed.

As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content.

1.0.1 Patch is live

We’ve pushed our third patch (v1.0.1) live to all users on Steam. The changelog is below:

  • Fixed an issue in the Hell’s Kitchen Sewers where a datacube in the water would have a lingering text window.
  • Fixed an issue in the Hell’s Kitchen Sewers where a mechanic would have an incorrect number of lockpicks.
  • Improved AI behavior in the Underworld Tavern; Jordan Shea and Jock will return to their original positions after a fight.
  • Improved performance and lighting on Liberty Island.
  • Changed the boobytraps outside Smuggler’s lair from explosives to EMP.
  • Miscellaneous stability, presentation and interactivity changes in Smuggler’s lair.
  • Miscellaneous small fixes to saved game logic to handle very rare values of available free space.
  • Miscellaneous geometry, texture, stability, AI behavior and gameplay adjustments in Battery Park, including fixing a hole in the subway car.
  • Fixed an issue where players could miss a level transition into the interior of the Brooklyn Naval Shipyards.
  • Miscellaneous AI, Lighting and Geometry fixes in the Brooklyn Naval Shipyards.
  • Miscellaneous gameplay and texture fixes in the Lucky Money mall.
  • Fixed a geometry issue for the Hell’s Kitchen subway car.
  • Made Gunther’s safe non-interactive in UNATCO HQ. We are planning to use the safe to store useful equipment, but there is currently a severe glitch associated with it. Until we can fix this issue, we feel it is best to leave it unmistakably inaccessible.
  • Added datacube with code for UNATCO HQ detention keypads.
  • Reduced hack strength on Alex’s server room.
  • Unlocked the door to Paul’s office for the first time you visit UNATCO HQ.
  • Added Tranquilizer Darts to detention storage for the first time you visit UNATCO HQ. This should help balance out a potential lack of ammunition for players who heavily favor the mini-crossbow in the early game.
  • Removed collision for the contents of Anna Navarre’s office cabinet.
  • Swapped out the old UNATCO logo for the new one in the last visit to UNATCO HQ.
  • Adjusted a type of chair to be flammable in Normal (Human Renovation) gameplay mode.
  • Added support for vanilla music to the Hong Kong Compound area and Hong Kong arrival cinematic.
  • Added a datacube with the code for Alex’s server room door.
  • Added waigie, smirftsch, HawkBird and MoreTriggers contributors to the credits.
  • Forced the game to load the Revision player class to address some potential issues stemming from the use of Kentie’s game launcher with Revision.
  • Added HiDPI UI scaling option. If your resolution is high enough, this will lock the UI to a 2x scale, which may be useful for people using either large displays, or small displays with very high resolutions (such as Retina displays).
  • Updated descriptions for some rendering and audio devices in the Revision game launcher.
  • Added a notice for players when starting Training.

As a general reminder, when game content is updated in a patch, it cannot affect locations you have already visited in a saved game. This is because the saved game was created based on the older version of the game, and acts as a snapshot of that older version. Once you load a saved game and travel to a new location in the game world, you will begin to encounter the updated content.

We’ve tracked over 42,000 downloads on Steam since release. Wow. For those of you who are using the standalone installers, we have updated those as well. Both the complete 1.0.1 installer and an upgrade patch are available through our own downloads page and ModDB.