
Welcome to our March update.

As we begin the last part of primary development with Revision, we’re happy to announce that we’ve partnered with the New Vision team to distribute their high resolution texture assets with Revision 1.0. This will simplify the process of trying to get the two mods to play nicely together; instead of downloading separate packages and fussing with installation orders and .ini configuration files, it will be handled by our installer with a single download.

Those of you who have been following the Development Progress page will have noticed we’ve finished our overhauls of the early game environments. We will be reaching out to our playtesters this month to begin gathering external feedback on missions spanning Chapters 1 through 6.

John French
John French
Music & Creative at Caustic Creative
John composed most of the Revision score, and contributed to a wide variety of design touches which shape the overall presentation and experience of the game.

He lives in the UK.